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Physiology most powerful force on earth 2

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A good place to continue with is the understand of physiology and what does it mean, What is it pertaining to and where does it lead us.

A good place to continue with is the understand of physiology and what does it mean, What is it pertaining to and where does it lead us. The definition is the best place to start and to break that down into parts thereof we can understand as a whole once each part is put into its true perspectives.

* Main Entry: phys·i·ol·o·gy

* Function: noun
* Etymology: Latin physiologia natural science, from Greek, from physi- + -logia -logy
* Date: 1615

1 : a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the

physical and chemical phenomena involved — compare anatomy
2 : the organic processes and phenomena of an organism or any of its parts or of a particular bodily process

The shaping and molding of society is for the most part the understanding of the unconscious and how it affects behavior.
Once you understand the entirety of physiology and the human self.
There comes an awareness of how we think affects our behaviors.
There is also the awareness of how we behave effects our thinking.

Lets look at the first definition and break it down into parts relating to our behavior.
Physiology is a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life.
Functions of life. Foraging, Sleeping, Mating, Socializing, Spirituality are all functions of our lives.
Physiology, is first the study of the behavior of organisms. The why we do what we do.
There are daily physiological behaviors and other behaviors that evolve over long periods of time.
Developing our spirituality is one that spans our entire life.
Self educating and the desire to explore what excites our passions can take decades. Example, to become a doctor.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs comes to mind in how we juggle and manage our many desires in life.
Functions can also be the biology of regeneration of cells, the process's of our internal organs and what they do to maintain our life.
Our cells communicate to each other, to our brains, to the environment. The same as plants and photosynthesis is ongoing.
The physical and chemical phenomena,,,mmmmm,,,, an open way of saying we don't fully understand all that is going on within us.

The organic processes and phenomena of an organism. The autonomic process's that occur for the most part on the unconscious level. There are thousands of these little programs going on inside all of us. Which maintain the complexities and the regulation of each to be kept in a boundary to prevent us from becoming unbalanced within. Every thing in balance and harmony is what brings about that unmistakable feeling of well being. Grounding Effects.

We all crave to understand what we are, why we're here and exactly what is our purpose, not just of our individual lives but of life itself and where we fit into the bigger picture.

Understanding of our-self is the place to start. Study acutely your behavior and you will soon understand what motivates you and why you behave the way you do. This is where the objectivity of vulnerability plays its greatest part. No self deception.
If you lie to yourself as to what motivates you, you will go threw life with blinders on, never knowing yourself. Understanding and joining in any real relationship with another human is not possible until you are capable of complete vulnerability.

Physiology is my main passion in life. It has shown me where to look and how to look for the why people behave the way they do.
Physiology has shown me the aura, how to find it, to understand how it is created, how it is communicated, and most of all how the aura can be changed just by how we think.

Physiology is where we find to harness control of our life or the abandonment of it.

Life is choices, karma is karma. Choose carefully.

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Last Updated June 17, 2016

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